Sunday, March 28, 2010

Humility Means to Empty Ourselves

Palm Sunday
Gospel: Luke 19:28-40
Pastor Steve Quill
Podcast from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA); Katy,TX
Date: 3/28/10
1. The "old" Adam was full of his own wants.
2. Jesus, the "new" Adam, taught us to have humility.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stewards of the Mysteries of God

Fifth Sunday After Lent
Gospel: John 12: 1-8
Pastor Steve Quill
Podcast from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA); Katy, TX
1. How do we compare "social justice" and "economic justice"?
2. God shares in our suffering.
3. We exist for the purpose of serving God and our neighbors.
4. What is the cost of "Discipleship"?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Paid in Full - Sacred Narrative

Fourth Sunday in Lent
Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Pastor Emmanuel Jackson
Podcast from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA),; Katy, TX
Date: 3/14/10
1. Are we, as a congregation, welcoming, open and vibrant?
2. God welcomes EVERYONE!
3. God has paid our bill!
4. Celebrate every moment of every day as a gift from God!

Humans Want Answers, But "Stuff Happens"

Third Sunday in Lent
Gospel: Luke 13:1-9
Pastor Steve Quill
Podcast from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA); Katy,TX
Date: 3/7/10
1. There's not always an immediate answer when "bad" things happen.
2. Disaster often brings Healing & Hope when we keep our faith.
3. It takes pruning to produce fruit.
4. Apart from the vine we die.
5. Apart from one another we die!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Giving is a Way of Living

Second Sunday after Lent
Gospel:Luke 13:31-35
Pastor Steve Quill
Podcast from Living Word Lutheran Church(ELCA); Katy, TX
Date: 2/28/10
"Let nothing get between you and God."
Faith is taking a chance.
Give till it feel GOOD!